Grahas (Planets)

Signification of planets

Planets in astrology is a set of all planets revolving around the Sun, the Sun himself, the Moon and as per Indian system of astrology Rahu and Ketu, which are the points where the orbits or Sun and the Moon would meet when extended to infinity. The table below shows the signification of each of these.

PlanetRelationColorPosition in the kings court
SunFatherOrange, copper redKing
MoonMotherWhiteMother of the king, female and underage subjects
MarsBrother, for women their husbandRed, bloodredArmy general
MercuryMaternal uncleGreenPrince
JupiterChildren, master, teacherYellowMinister, bishop
VenusSpouse, esp. wifeMulti-coloredQueen
SaturnServants, old people in homeBlackServants, slaves
Rahu-Transparent, smokeHidden enemies
Neptune-Ocean blue/green-

Often astrologers are ridiculed for calling Sun and Moon, which according to the astronomy are a star and a natural satellite respectively, as planets. But Astrology, which particularly studies events on Earth, classifies all the celestial objects into two classes 1. stationary (नक्षत््र) - those objects which do not move with respect to each other 2. planets (ग््रह) - those objects which move with respect to the stationary objects. Both these classes have different significance.


  1. Fundamental Principals of Astrology (Hindu, Western and Stellar) - Prof. K. S. Krishnamurti
  2. कुंडली तंत्र आणि मंत्र (भाग पहिला)‌ - व. दा. भट

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