It's very common these days to relocate to other city, state or even country for job, business. Easy loans make it even easier to own a house earlier in the life. But money alone isn't enough to buy a house in our dreams. Astrologer can help you in these matters by providing insights into the future.

Moon is in Jupiter's star and Jupiter is in the eleventh house, which signifies matters related to one's desires, likings and wishes. The cusp of the fourth house (which signifies matters related to one's house) falls in sub of Moon. Thus Moon indicates the question related to house one likes. That's the fun with the horary charts, that they indicate the query even though queriest doesn't verbalize it.
In Krishnamurti system, the sub in which the cusp of house in question falls indicates whether the answer to the query would be favourable or unfavourable. If the sub signifies the complementary houses and is situated in the star of planet in direct motion, the answer is favourable otherwise unfavourable. For the given horary chart, Moon is the sublord of fourth house and it is in Jupiter's star, thus indicating unfavourable answer. So, I told Rohini that she won't be able to buy the house. Further, the cusp of eleventh house falls in the sub of Saturn. Saturn is situated in the third house. Third house being the house before fourth, negates the fourth house. Hence the sublord of cusp of eleventh house negates the house, indicating the Rohini herself wouldn't want to buy that house.
"You wouldn't want to buy that house.", I answered after examining the horoscope.
"I liked that house and want to buy it desperately. How would then you say so?", Rohini was clearly confused by the irony.
"The horoscope tells me so. Go ahead and try buying the house". I was sorry to answer that way, but an astrologer is a mere messenger of the skies.
Rohini made her bid on 14th January and consulted the loan agent. Same day the loan agent pointed out that there will be problems in securing loan for that particular house. Rohini withdrew the offer within next hour. Because of my prediction, she was ready for the outcome and started searching new home.
From her birth-chart, I predicted that she would be able to buy house between June 2014 and September 2014. The timelines predicted from birth-chart can have a sway of about 2-3 months depending upon the accuracy of the birth-time. In April 2014, she proposed to buy a different house and settled in it by June 2014.
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