Horoscope is the map of ecliptic, the apparent path of Sun around the Earth at a given moment and place on the Earth. All the astrological planets appear to move in circles close to ecliptic. The horoscope is the map of moving planets with respect to the stationary stars on the ecliptic. A birth-chart is the horoscope at the time of birth of a given person. But a birth-chart doesn't help in answering all the questions. The astrologer uses a horoscope casted at the time of posing a query; such a chart is known as Horary chart.
Moon is considered to the significator of the mind. Moon's signification in the Horary chart indicates the thoughts in the mind of the querist. An astrologer is able to guess the question from the Horary chart, even if the queries doesn't verbalise it. An astrologer can answer the question correctly, if only the question put forth by querist and the Moon's signfication match. The querist always brings the question and the answer together; an astrologer only reads the answer. This principal when used cleverly helps answering the questions correctly.
On 9th March, 2015, at 15:21, I got a question as follows. Luggage was misplaced during flight and had not reached its owner even after two days. The person was going to move to another city the next day. The luggage contained all the essential things like forex, eatables, clothes and so on. Obviously the person himselves and his relatives in India were anxious. Nirayana Horary chart (see the note) at that moment is given in the figure.
The Moon is in the 6th house and is lord of the third and fourth house. It is deposited in the star of Mars is in the eleventh house and is lord of the seventh and twelth house. So the Moon signifies houses 3, 4, 6, 7, 11 and 12. The 3rd and 12th house indicate travelling abroad, 11th house indicates gains or receipt of things, 4th house would indicate possessions of the person i.e. luggage in this case. I did not understand what was 6th house doing here. Whether the person would get what he desires, is indicated by the sub-star of the 11th house. Venus, the sub-lord of the 11th house is significator of houses 1, 6, 11, 2 and 10 (last two because of Mercury, the lord of star of Venus). The sub-lord of 11th house doesn't signify 4th house, which indicates luggage, so I was about to answer that the person will not get his luggage back (at least while he is in the same city). But the fact that sub-lord of 11th house (Venus) and the Moon both signified the 6th house attracted my attention. The 7th house indicates the partner in any deed. In this case, it's the airline company. The 6th house indicates the things to be received from to the 7th house. The question here is not about lost luggage, but whether it can be obtained from the airline company. It became evident that I should be giving importance to the 6th house, rather than the 4th house. No book could have taught me that. So, with a little hesitation, I told that the person will get his luggage before Moon leaves the star of Mars on the same day. To the person's surprise, the luggage reached his hotel before he reached after the days work. The Moon posed the question and answered it as well. Don't they say that a question and its answer go hand in hand.
Note: The question was asked by in-laws of the person travelling, so the Horary chart is casted by rotating chart by the 5th and then the 7th house.
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